星之子先知 Star spawn seer


A star spawn seer is most often encountered as the leader of a cult that worships one or more of the Elder Evils. Usually, the seer is the only cult member that grasps the full extent of the horror the cult is venerating.

An entity that appears as a star spawn seer in the Material Plane usually arrives as something different—something disembodied. When a warlock or other spellcaster establishes communication with it, the seer-entity takes control of the mortal's form and spirit, transforming it into a star spawn seer. Whoever the seer once was largely vanishes beneath the corpulent bulk of tumorous skin than builds up in strange whorls all over the seer's body. Hands become bulky, flipper-like appendages capable of grasping their strange staffs—formed of some blend of flesh, bone, and star stuff—but clumsy and painful when used to manipulate other things.

A star spawn seer is almost always accompanied by one or more star spawn hulks. Although the hulk is a worthy combatant in its own right, it's also a vital part of a tactic often used by seers. When a seer deals psychic damage to a hulk, the hulk isn't hurt, while the effect ricochets off the hulk and expands to assault other creatures.

The seer's goal is to tap the energy sources and master the rites that will enable it to extend a bridge between the vulnerable sanity of the Material Plane and the squirming madness of an Elder Evil's prison.

星之子先知 Star spawn seer
护甲等级 17(天生护甲)
生命值 153(18d8+72)
速度 30尺
力量14(+2) 敏捷12(+1) 体质18(+4)
智力22(+6) 感知19(+4) 魅力16(+3)

异相位移动 Out-of-Phase Movement。 先知可以穿过其他的生物和物体,如同穿越困难的地形。它所经过的每一个生物都会受到5(1d10)心灵伤害;任何生物每回合只会受到一次该伤害。如果先知在一个物体内结束它的回合,它将受到5(1d10)力场伤害。
多重攻击 Multiattack。 该先知进行两次彗星杖击,或使用两次它的精神珠。
彗星杖 Comet Staff。近战武器攻击:命中+11,触及5尺,单一目标。命中:9(1d6+6)钝击伤害,或双手10(1d8+6)钝击伤害。外加额外的18(4d8)心灵伤害,目标须成功于DC19的体质豁免,否则陷入失能直到先知的下回合结束。
精神珠 Psychic Orb。远程武器攻击:命中+11,射程120尺,单一目标。命中:27(5d10)心灵伤害。
距离坍塌 Collapse Distance (充能6)。该先知扭曲了一个在30英尺内看到的生物周围的空间。该生物须成功于DC19感知豁免,若失败则目标以及任何它穿着或携带的装备,将神奇地传送到60英尺内、一个先知所能看见且未被占据的空间,所有其他在目标原始地点10尺以内的生物,每一个受到39(6d12)心灵伤害。若豁免成功,则目标受到19(3d12)心灵伤害。
反应 Reactions
空间扭曲 Bend Space。当先知被一次攻击命中时,它会传送,与另一个在60英尺内且它所能看到的星之子交换位置。另一个星之子承受这次攻击。