鬾魊 Meazel

In places where the Shadowfell washes against the shores of the Material Plane dwell meazels, hateful hermits who left behind their old lives to contemplate their misery in shadow. Now evil burns in their hearts, and they resent any intrusion into their suffering.
Hateful Hermit. Meazels are all that remain of people who fled into the Shadowfell to escape their mortal existence. There the darkness transformed them, and their bitterness made them twisted and cruel. Now, they loiter near Shadowfell crossings to waylay travelers who venture too close to their lairs.
Divide and Conquer. The stain of darkness responsible for the existence of meazels imparts to them magical powers that allow them to move through shadows with ease. Merely stepping into one pool of darkness allows a meazel to move to another one. They use this talent to ambush creatures, snatching them around the throat with their strangling cords and then stepping away. Meazels also use this ability to ferry their victims to isolated spots and then leave the hapless souls to the designs of whatever horrors lurk there.
Creatures that are drawn through the shadows by meazels are cursed by the meazels' baleful magic. The curse acts as a beacon; sorrowsworn, undead, and other terrors sense where they are located and descend on the stranded victims to tear them apart.

鬾魊 Meazel
护甲等级 13
生命值 35(10d8-10)
速度 30尺
力量8(-1) 敏捷17(+3) 体质9(-1)
智力14(+2) 感知13(+1) 魅力10(+0)
感官:黑暗视觉 120 尺,被动察觉 12

幽影潜伏 Shadow Stealth.  在微光或黑暗的环境中,鬾魊可以一个附赠动作进行躲藏(Hide)。
雕刻 Carrote。近战武器攻击:命中+5,触及5尺,单一与其同等体型或更小的目标。命中:6(1d6+3)钝击伤害,目标被擒抱Grappled(挣脱DC13,劣势)。目标于每个鬾魊的回合开始时,受到10 (2d6 + 3)的钝击伤害,直到擒抱状态解除。
短剑 Shortsword。近战武器攻击:命中+5,触及5尺,单一目标。命中:6(1d6+3)穿刺伤害,外加3(1d6)黯蚀伤害。
幽影位移 Shadow Teleport(充能5-6)。只要开始的空间和目的地,处于微光或黑暗的环境中时,鬾魊及它所穿着或携带的任何装备,都能传送到距离它500英尺内的一个未被占据的空间。目的地必须是鬾魊曾经见过的地方,但不需要在其视线之内。如果目标空间被占据,则该次传送就会到达最近的、未被占据空间。